5 best android hacking apps! [+ Bonus] [2020]




the name of this hacking app implies its work;  Andro means Android and RAT means Remote Administrative Tools.  It was the best free hacking tool ever, the tool was released a long time ago and it is a client / server application!  Installing this app on any system will help provide remote access to that phone, you can control the victim's phone remotely.

The services of this app run as soon as the phone is booted.  The user will not understand anything on the phone or the app does not have to be launched.  The app will trigger a connection to the server by sending a call or SMS.  This app specifically collects information such as;  Best for accessing phone contact numbers, call logs, messages, and location data!  Moreover, this app allows you to perform actions like calling from the victim's phone, sending SMS, taking photos using the phone's camera, visiting any link from the default browser - etc!

AndroRAT Apk/Download


Nmap is a very popular network scanning tool for desktops, also available for Android.  This hacking app works on both rooted and non-rooted phones.  If you are a beginner hacker, this is a tool that must be installed on your system!

Nmap Apk/Download


This app is basically a combination of many ethical hacking tools!  - This app has three modules;  Reconnaissance, Scanning, Security Feed.  This app can prove to be quite useful for ethical hackers, IT specialists, penetration testers.

Some unique hacking operations can be performed with this app;  Such as- Google hacking, SQL Injection, MySQL Server, Whois, Scanning, DNS lookup, IP, MX Records, DNS Dif, Security RSS Feed, Exploits, etc!  This is the best solution for those who are new to hacking.  This app will not require any personal access to run on your system, you can easily use its tools!

Hackode Apk/Download


FaceNiff is a great Android hacking app for monitoring WiFi networks - this app is widely used to track who is doing what on Facebook, Twitter, or different social media on devices connected to your WiFi.  This is a very popular tool for attackers, hackers steal users' cookies and continue to gain unauthorized access to their various accounts!

FaceNiff Apk/Download

Wi-Fi Kill

Do you use a shared WiFi network?  Many users are not getting speed at all as a result of being connected together?  Then this app can prove to be quite useful.  You can easily disconnect the connection of any device connected to your WiFi network.  WiFi won't actually disconnect, but no packet will be sent or received on the device, allowing you to use more bandwidth!  The user interface of the app is absolutely white, so there will be no problem to use!

Wi-Fi Kill Apk/Download

Bonus hacking app

 The Droidsheep app can provide the best solution if you want to do more with WiFi network.  This app behaves like a router monitor by itself.  You can hijack browsing sessions, as well as monitor any social media.  This app is widely used to hijack any web session.

 Being another preferred app for security experts and hackers

Shark for RootYou can use this app to monitor traffic on WiFi network, 3G network.  Also to scan what devices are connected to your WiFi network or map drives are active Fing Network Scanner You can use the app


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